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United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime

Agenda: Legalization of Marijuana: Examining its Impact on Drug-Related Crimes and International Drug Control Measures


The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) convenes to address the complex implications of the legalization of marijuana on drug-related crimes and global efforts to combat illicit drug trafficking and abuse. Delegates will delve into the multifaceted dynamics surrounding the legalization of marijuana, considering its potential effects on public health, criminal justice systems, and international drug control frameworks.

Delegates are tasked with evaluating the impact of marijuana legalization on patterns of drug consumption, illicit drug markets, and associated criminal activities such as drug trafficking, organized crime, and money laundering. Furthermore, the committee will examine the divergent approaches adopted by different countries towards marijuana regulation and assess their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes in terms of public safety, health promotion, and crime reduction.

In addition to analyzing the domestic implications of marijuana legalization, delegates will explore its broader ramifications for international drug control efforts, including compliance with relevant UN conventions, cross-border drug trafficking, and cooperation among member states in addressing transnational drug-related crimes. Through informed dialogue and collaborative problem-solving, delegates will endeavor to develop comprehensive strategies and policy recommendations that strike a balance between drug regulation, public health considerations, and the maintenance of international drug control standards.

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