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International Labour Organization

Agenda: Safeguarding Workers' Rights: Addressing the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Automation on the Global Workforce.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) convenes to examine the profound implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation on the global workforce, with a focus on ensuring the protection of workers' rights and promoting job security. Delegates will explore the transformative effects of AI and automation on employment patterns, labor markets, and the future of work, considering the potential opportunities and challenges they present for workers, businesses, and society at large.

Delegates are tasked with analyzing the potential risks associated with widespread automation, including job displacement, income inequality, and the erosion of labor rights and social protections. Furthermore, the committee will assess the role of government policies, technological innovation, and social dialogue in mitigating these risks and ensuring a just transition to a more automated economy.

In addition to examining the challenges posed by AI and automation, delegates will explore strategies for harnessing the transformative potential of these technologies to create new job opportunities, enhance productivity, and promote sustainable economic development. Through collaborative dialogue and consensus-building, delegates will work towards the development of pragmatic policy solutions that prioritize the well-being and dignity of workers in the digital age.

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